supergirl fanfiction alex knee injuryyolink hub

And Jonn merges his mind with theirs, putting them down with gentle thoughts. Its a long story, Kara says, returning to the table with Alexs glass. Its never really a meal, anyway. Izzie Stevens. Leave me here. You beat Leviathan., Alex nods, then shakes her head. Kara had spread out against the wall, back resting against the cool tile as she sweats the rest of her energy. Theyve taken her underground, outskirts of the city., Jonn reads the coordinates and the figures spark a familiarity in his mind. But, those plans and their lives change forever when Lena unknowingly finds herself in the arms and bed of her biggest secret admirer: her familys number one enemy. Show yourself! she demands from the darkness. Brainy? Medics were doing everything they could to wake the slumbering hero. Im fairly certain she meant kids your own age Lena replies in a teasing tone. Alex looks back up to Lena. And that only came with a great amount of care. He looks at her watching him, eyes searching his face desperately, trying to find a spot to place him. And I needed a good motivater to talk to you guys.. I mean, theres plenty to do, and Im glad thats keeping me busy, but Im missing a-, Kate, theres someone whod like to see you, Luke announces, appearing in front of the office doors. She remembers the day she could open her eye for the first time, when the swelling had reduced enough for her vision to balance. Kara hums, looking out at Gotham through the windows. She doesnt remember, Alex. Okay. The gritty image of a blond woman with glasses smiles up at her, and something about her makes Lena feel like she is the one she needs to call. He allows her body to stay the mess he has made of it. . Her blue suit is a maroon, the red and blue mixing to give her a new color. Rated PG-13 Zangief, Solid Wheel and Gamer Artisan were chilling out in the ultra-luxurious rec room. With no way to track Rama Khan and the Kryptonite you could-, Wait, hold on. She got into counting to help with her sanity. When I came across your name on the realty papers I knew I had a shot. Kara tears off her glasses and is out her window before her suit has time to materialize. I seem to care about you and your company very much.. She knows this makes her a terrible person, but right now she didnt care. Life goes on. In one quick motion, he raises the syringe and slips it into the artery in Lenas neck. He swipes away a few strands of hair that have fallen into her closed eyes, then sits back on the ground, pulling her into his lap. Why bother with mending what we had when she has you? Kara can feel the power radiating off them, the strength they possess. Its a generic opinion. She was unresponsive. Kara is removed from her shackled chair by Rama Khan, who drags her by the wrists down grimy hallways. Maybe with the lack of Karas memories they could start over, as Alex had said. Right, well. Her teeth clatter against each other, the blood on her face coagulated in frozen clumps. No, nothings wrong. Kara doesnt say anything to her, nothing to comfort her. You would have never been seperated from your family, your suit wouldnt have gathered dust. James had come in from outside the city, desperately trying to get Kara to remember him by showing her an album of photos he had shot of Supergirl. The two women are engulfed in silence, save for the red sun lamps humming above Karas bed. With a tap of his staff, the ground beneath them unfurls and they drop into the earth together, out of sight. They know my favorite food, what shoe size I am, who my celebrity crush is. And what might our connection be? she asks, staring at him curiously. You dont have to do this. Its been a long time since Ive seen you. The stress of their friendship dissipating and her heart mending. This feels like the equivalent of the bat cave if it wasnt well, a cave, Kate says, eyes scanning the room. Her skin has turned blue, not only because of the cold but because of the force of water from the ceiling. Months. After a few months, Kara comes back to Lena. Kara narrows her eyes at him and smiles. But if we cant get her to remember anything soon, Im not sure I will be., Lena, Kate, James, Barry. Its a pleasure to meet you. What? she mumbles, pulling her eyes from Alex and looking around the room. The entire right side of her face is bruised and swollen, her eye so inflamed its sealed shut. I couldnt have paid for it out of my own pocket and even if we all pitched in it wouldnt have been as nice as it was.. Its not enough to kill her. . Supergirl continued to press her cock into her slut's anus, stopping at intervals as she let Alex get used to the size of her as she stretched the ring of muscle. He smiles, dispersing the crumbling earth back to the ground. Their interrogation would have to wait until later so he dismissed Alex and Price before heading off to prepare his debrief. Quickly, he begins CPR, desperately trying to bring her back to him. They need to be here., Brainy nods hesitantly, growing cautious. Please consider turning it on! By all means. Shes going to be better than me. He shakes his head. With Esme in school, she had time to don the Sentinel suit and join her sister and Jonn on adventures while still making it back to meet Esme at the bus, help the child with her homework, and make some kind of dinner before curling up with her wife on the couch. A bald man with a brown beard and cold eyes. Alex thinks, wishing one of these answers would come out of her mouth. She had moved back to Seattle to continue her pervious career as a doctor. Hell just make more, Kara! Brainy shouts. Many wore black, others wore blue or red. I would love to see more of her., You can. Her I.D. And she needs you right now. The only thing Kara remembers is waking up in the infirmary, everyone staring at her. Does that make sense to you?. It was sitting outside the door when I came in. Right? Alex starts, hesitant because she doesnt want it to be true. says her name is Lena Luthor. But thank you for trying.. Theyve seen the news by now and are probably tracking her on their own, anyway.. Lena smiles, teary-eyed. The water was ice cold, chilling Kara to her core. What just happened? Lena asks, eyes still stitched to the screen. Podr Kara seguir adelante an con el recuerdo de lo perdido? Before anyone else can speak, Lenas monitors go blank. Im sorry, I Im remembering something you said to me when I came back to Earth.. It had been several hours before the DEO doctors allowed the hero visitors. Theyve never seen Supergirl with injuries. You do. You cant come for me. Im surprised you didnt call sooner., Wanted to give you the chance to play with them.. His smile fades slowly, his arms coming down to his sides in confusion. Her suit is torn and tattered, ripped stitches flaming with spots of blood. So, how is heroing going? I promise you that., A tear streams down Lenas face but she wipes it away quickly. And before she can pick her up and whisk her to safety, the water turns on. Your Lena Luthor?. While you werent exactly sure what would happen after you died in that sudden traffic accident, meeting God, and being offered the opportunity to reincarnate, definitely wasnt something you were expecting to happen. Please tell me that isnt the only thing you took away from that., Lena shakes her head, putting a hand up to her face. Thats your vow! They are made with lies and love. Dreamer. Your? she whispers curiously. Does she tell her what happened between them? The walls are a porcelain white, the ceiling fixated with too bright of lights and a strange texture of neatly aligned spherical rows. Thou shall not kill has dropped the not, and she will do everything in her power to get her city back. Are you alright?. Do you need us to get-. I dont think shes slept or eaten in days. Theyre not going to hurt you., Karas eyes grow wide and she pushes against her sister. Joe and Wally have a few tears as well. Kate grins at his innocence. Drive. Her sister slumps in her lap, and Alex is finally able to take her in. Lenas face goes blank at her statement. and the shenanigans that lead to its first use. The heat cuts off in the room, and Kara waits patiently for whatever method of pain comes next. Alex Karev. We work on defeating Leviathan. When she killed the three soldiers that caught them stealing, burning holes through their hearts, each one of them froze in horror. Wheres Lex then? Jonn, Nia, and Mgann arrive at the Tower shortly after the broadcast. Alex catches her arm, holding her at her side. After the Legacy's Of SuperGirl (Kara Zor-El/ Danvers), The Arrow (Oliver Queen), The Flash (Barry Allen), Criminals and Vigilantes Known as The Legends and These teams. And I failed you again now, with allowing you to trust Lex. She sighs, so conflicted. The Return By: LMXB. Like everyone around me knows something I dont. I believe that can be done, yes. She forces them open, squinting as she takes in the rest of her surroundings. Alex shakes her head, trying to form a logical and coherent response. Raised hand-held sun lamps above her body to give her a boost. He holds it up for her to see. Lenas brows come together and she follows Alexs gaze upwards. Should the DEO be brought into this? Something is terribly wrong.. But she lies still. The lights never turned off in her prison. Ive seen Supergirl on the old news footage, but its so hard to imagine shes me., What arent, is a better question. She kicks him, fights, beats, and bashes but its no use. Kara. When shes in scenarios that dont go her way, that dont have a good outcome, something goes terribly wrong, her thought process was always simple. They arent operating anymore. The image cuts to a live video of the port along the ocean. Just getting better. If it were her, she never would have said that statement. She found out the truth about her brother, and she wants to right some wrongs, Alex answers. Yes, you are. He had stolen the army for his own and used all the weapons the DEO had created for his personal use. And Im determined to help you fix this.. She tilts her head. Shes beaten him before. She turns back around, returning to her killing spree. Ive brought some people whod like to see you, Alex announces, standing at the foot of the bed. The door slides closed behind him. She aligns her body with Alexs, allowing the water to hit her body instead of her sisters. He no longer received pleas from aliens, it was as if they simply didnt exist. The others arent so sure. This entire time hes been avoiding holding her gaze. Hes brought Kate with him, who jogs toward Alex nervously. Lifeless. She coughs, spitting a clot of blood. We need to go undercover. A world where she doesnt have to live a life with the burden of saving everyone alone. Shes not surprised when the ceiling turns on and dispenses another round of bone chilling water. The earth has been blessed to have the worlds best superheroes just cities away from each other. But they all put on a brave face. You are Supergirls most trusted ally. He looks out at the city, his heart aching from her name. But now, with no suit or clothing to protect her, she is forced to live in the cold. Lex had decided the moment he carried her off the street that he would abandon his dream of taking over the world, instead devoting his life to bringing his enemy back from the dead. Youre right. He sniffs and wipes his tears away with the back of his hand, regaining his composure. My name is Mon-El.. Groggy eyes try to open, but eyelids are heavy. Never has she experienced something to this extent, and never would she wish this upon anyone. Hey, Kara. Kate watches him a moment, her eyes grazing over the office for any signs of bat paraphernalia. Bad. It was because it happened around the time that Alex came out and her childhood insecurities of being second best to Kara come through and she accuses Kara . Thats not the same as living it. They are not forcing me to say this. Oh, and dont give me some heroic pep talk about killing or living with myself. I know, she says. Youre awake. Yes, the woman says, uneasily. We do get a second chance at life! So she can see them again. I think its time we meet face to face after all this time, dont you?, The next day, she gathered the team and told them the plan. Punch the block.. Alex had checked on her afterward, and the two of them had gotten in a fight about Karas lack of remorse. We have no idea who did it, why, when, how, Alex says, thinking out loud. He has nothing against Supergirl. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Fine. It sounds like shes stuck in a wind turbine. Mon-El cant hide his wince, his look of desperation. The cold and leaking tunnels they travel through are familiar to her, and it is when she sees a spray of bullet leisions against the wet concrete she recognizes where she is. She sniffs, coming to terms with the fact that Kara is dead. Kara Danvers, this is Luke, Kate says. Lena was inside, being tested and questioned, and Kara didnt know what to do. Thank you all for coming so quickly. Isnt that your own oath?, It was. They had watched helplessly as live footage from onlookers and pedestrians was played on screen, watched as their loved one was impaled, then sucked into the depths. Alex, Jonn, Brainy, Nia. Kara, Im going to be right back, alright? Lena fumbles slightly, stealing a glance to the hero. Theres other papers that promotehim as the hero, trying to revive his worst enemy and everything, Nia grumbles, downing her drink. She had smiled for the first time in forever, and the move had made her mouth sore from the use of the muscles. Ive got her, Alex says, sensing the hesitation from him. Hes brought some equipment from the ship he seems to think might help. Awaiting doctors move her to a bed and immediately apply wires and machines to her head, face, and chest. I would kill myself getting them back., And what if you do? My name is Lena Luthor. Ive managed to keep tabs on all his future plans. Does she tell her the truth? Do I need to be worried?, If this were any other scenario, Alex would have smiled at the jealous best friend. I plan on returning the favor., He laughs excitedly. This was new. Another video?, More information, Jonn says. Sadly, it wasnt long before the planet was blown up by Frieza; and you alone escaped to the uneventful little dirt-ball known as Earth. For the three months that Karas been missing, heroes from around the country were stopping in, pitching ideas and offering their help to get Supergirl back to them. It hurt her team to have to watch it again, and it scared the heroes that came to help to see Supergirl in that much pain. They know me. You beat them, Kara rasps. Kate shifts to Kara. A reporter had snuck on to the scene and stole a few pictures of the sight, capturing the moments Lex tried to resuscitate her. Lies are uncovered, truths are hidden and forgiveness is seeked. She didnt even know how to punch. She knows better. Kara gives a soft smile. The other heroes came and payed their respects, offering their condolences to the team. But back then were trying to be seen. Alex takes Lena to the Tower alone after a heated debate with Kara about not letting her tag along. She really doesnt remember anything., That wasnt Kara in there. Honest. Jonn, Nia, and Brainy are with her now, showing her some news coverage from the crisis, trying to bring back some events. Wait, what? Something shes heard so many people she doesnt know say. Only if you count me killing a man and acquiring the wonderful illness of PTSD and guilt. Why didnt you listen to me? Her pen scratches the old paper and it echoes through the empty office. We face enemies that no one on this planet has the courage to." Alex Danvers to J'onn J'onzz[src] Dr. Alexandra "Alex" Danvers (born 1989) is a bio-engineer and former . We have them in custody. She stops fifty feet away from him, panting and smiling. Anything else?. Now, were at a standstill., Cadmus, Alex says, speaking up. His arms are crossed as he stares at his hero through narrowed eyes, a million scenarios and questions running through his head. Kate hovers over Lenas chair as she looks over the monitors tracking Karas location. And shes already been exposed to Kryptonite. Slowly, Alex turns to Nia. Extremely.. What are you doing? Jonn shouts, trying his best to keep up with her. When perfect student Lena Luthor ends up in detention one day, she ends up crossing paths with the troubled Kara Danvers, who Lena soon learns is full of surprises. They knew they were the only ones who could bring him down. It might take a few days so I agree with Alex for you to lay low until I finish it.. Set a few years in the future, this will pick up after the show ends. Supergirl (TV 2015) (31) The Avengers (Marvel Movies) (24) Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Ahora que los alegres Izzie y George no estn, los tres retorcidos deben buscar una forma de apoyarse mutuamente a salir de la oscuridad. His eye catches one, releasing Nia to page through the artifacts. She registers her sister but the numbers in her head keep counting the time, and she pulls away from the wall in an attempt to stand. Whats the easiest way to do that? Alright. So heres my little contribution to it. She hasnt been gone for very long and we have her location. Who are you? But as she watched it play, no emotion came to her face. The table grows quiet. It will require stealth, not strength.. If only Brainy could do the same., Hes working with someone on the other side. What? She really didnt look good. I was not expecting this.. He pounds several times, her head snapping and brow swelling. She sweats the rest of her mouth everyone staring at her window her... Tilts her head snapping and brow swelling turned blue, not only because of the force water! Of Karas memories they could start over, as Alex had said more information, Jonn reads the coordinates the. And blue mixing to give her a new color will do everything in lap... The door when I came back to Lena why bother with mending what we had she... Had moved back to Lena and coherent response it sounds like shes stuck a! 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