lds excommunication letteryolink hub

The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". They refused to answer any overly aggressive and mean-spirited. I have done nothing wrong to warrant this kind of response let alone a disciplinary council. other LDS approved sources that test and challenge testimonies. It has validated and confirmed to me that this organization has no divine power or divine mantle behind it. 77-23a-3,4 states that Utah is a One Party state and thus it is legal for an [Attached to the resignation letter that Runnells physically handed to Mark Ivins was also a letter from Runnells' attorney, Mark Naugle. Dear Bishop (fill in last name) This letter is my formal resignation from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day. In a normal month they usually process 500-1000 over the course of that entire period. The council will be held February 14th 2016 @ The Mormonism I grew up in was a Mormonism where you were expected to do what is right while letting the consequences follow. "okay" and the phone call was over. I have offered leaders - both verbally and in writing - many times to publicly correct any mistakes or errors in the CES Letter there to answer/rebut your accusation once again: It is not my goal nor is it the goal of the CES Letter Foundation to drive members out of the church. If you do plan a council on March never a remote thought of holding a "surprise" disciplinary council on March 15th. Why are you treating me like a criminal when I am not one? Jeremy Runnells, author of the renowned Letter to a CES Director faces excommunication from the LDS Church on charges of apostasy on Sunday, April 17, 2016 @ 6:00 pm MST. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. modern Egyptologists. I will then forward your statement to the First Presidency. I'm going to begin by bringing up two very important fundamental points that I believe is the foundation and heart of all of this. Stake President Ivins and Runnells up to that point. Ivins owed Runnells the courtesy and decency to give him March 15th due to his family situation. ", Surprised by the sudden sense of urgency on Ivins' part, Runnells asked Ivins what the meeting was in regards to. rebuttals and defenses against their attacks on my personal name and integrity as well as their false claims. If there are no errors or mistakes, why am I being punished for seeking and sharing the truth? Runnells responds to Ivins' above March 11, 2016 @ 5:02am email with the following @ 3:47pm email (screenshot). Probation is recorded, but only at a Stake level. was telling you were "anti-Mormon lies.". In the letter they appended to Phelps's, Orson Hyde and John E. Page noted that Phelps did not have enough money to travel to Illinois to visit JS in person. - President Gordon B. Hinckley, "I have been very grateful that the freedom, dignity, and integrity of the individual are basic in church doctrine. To claim or imply that the acceptance of donations is wrong for CES Letter Foundation but totally okay for organizations like FairMormon Fox 13 did a piece on Runnells and the event: Runnells hilariously gets job proposal from LDS Church. questions and concerns, the church demonstrates that it really is not interested in balance or any real and meaningful intellectual conversation on the What other reasons are there for excommunication? questions, then it would be wrong for him to discipline them without first examining the issues completely himself. note where you expressed to me that you thought I was a good man and that you wanted to help me. Clear editor. You will be patient with a process that may not respond immediately to all of your questions. Church Handbook says that my resignation "cancels the effects of baptism and confirmation, withdraws the priesthood held by a male member, and revokes many who might suggest that you are openly and publicly acting in opposition to the Church. contradict each other. 3. Bill Reel's "Mormon Discussion" podcast recently took on Elder Jeffrey R. Holland. I appreciate it. Total The LDS gospel topics series: A scholarly engagement. Front row: Jody England Hansen. I listened to most of the two interviews they did with John Dehlin totaling 8+ hours, including a recording of their church court. I entertained the answers of unofficial apologists. You've read 0 of 5 of todays most popular posts. Paste as plain text instead, It has been replaced by an Orwellian system that values unquestioning I accept and embrace the theme from the quotes above. I am resigning because the LDS Church and its foundational truth claims are just not true. Is this really a legitimate reason for excommunication? Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our. Without a healthy marketplace where the free flow of information, ideas, and discussion exist, there is no true freedom. If it did not, then this The CES Letter exists only because the CES Director requested it and I gave him my sincere questions and concerns per his request. Truth is often found in the most unexpected places. Temple Recommend question. I was contacted by a CES Director in March 2013 to share my questions and concerns regarding the LDS church and its foundational truth claims. All I've wanted was the truth. DOB: Membership# (if you have it, not required if sending directly to Bishop) Address. is ever brought to my attention that there are any inaccuracies in the CES Letter or on my website, I am totally and completely agreeable and committed to you are taking these actions to extensively publicize your views. disturbing. Back row: Andy Parker. This directly contradicts the Book of Moses itself: "there was a blackness came upon all the children of Canaan, that they were despised among all people" -Moses 7:8. church and its foundational truth claims. Sam Young, a former Mormon bishop from Sugar Land, read a church letter announcing the decision . It either occurred or it did not occur. Ivins responded with Of seer stones. First meeting ever with Stake President Mark Ivins, Runnells introduces himself and explains story of CES Letter, Runnells is surprised to see how poor Ivins' understanding of CES Letter and Essays verified issues are, Runnells gets Ivins to commit to reading the CES Letter before a follow up visit, This is a key important meeting in the whole Kangaroo process, Runnells tests Ivins on his reading/understanding of CES Letter, Ivins refused to give Runnells errors or mistakes in CES Letter but changes position after Runnells corrected him with Handbook "apostasy" definition, Asks if Runnells can come meet with Ivins in two days, Runnells responds that he can meet instead on March 15, 2016 due to family member in hospice, Runnells receives no text message back from secretary, Ivins blindsides Runnells with an unexpected phone call breaking Ivins' 1.5 year silence, Despite knowing before phone call that Runnells requested more time due to family member in hospice, Ivins still demands a meeting in 2 days because he "can't wait that long" (for March 15th), After first declining to disclose, Ivins reluctantly tells Runnells over the phone - much to Runnells' shock - that the suddenly urgent meeting was "in regards to your membership in the church", After some phone arm wrestling and a reminder of Runnells' 1.5 year patience, Ivins agrees to a March 15, 2016 meeting instead, Ivins decides to break January 25th gentleman's agreement, Completely blindsides and shocks Runnells with a Valentine's Day disciplinary council to be held that evening, Uses alarmingly vague insinuations and language such as "additional information" and "conduct unbecoming a member", which Runnells interprets as a character assassination attempt on the part of Ivins and the church, Runnells defends himself and defuses Ivins' vague insinuations and character assasination attempt by doing something Ivins should have done but which didn't: ask Temple worthiness questions, Runnells outlines his defense and history to give Ivins his position and perception that holding a disciplinary court against him is a grotesque injustice, Runnells holds a press conference to discuss Ivins' treatment toward him and Ivins' decision to hold a Valentine's Day evening disciplinary court against him. You have consistently They're starving for answers. To be clear, Jeremy Runnells voluntarily resigned his membership from the LDS Church. You As fun as it was wrestling with these unofficial apologists and defenders, the reality at the end of the day is this: unofficial Mormon apologetics are I read booksa lot of the approved books. This directly contradicts the Book of Mormon itself: "Neither the rules nor the translations in the grammar book correspond to those recognized by Egyptologists todayScholars have identified the papyrus In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), a church membership council (formerly called a disciplinary council) [1] is an ecclesiastical event during which a church member's status is considered, typically for alleged violations of church standards. half. You never called me The following is the PDF letter Runnells attached to email to Ivins: I'm still waiting for your answers to my CES Letter questions. I have seen hats but no cattle. It is not only the disturbing facts that trouble members, it is the betrayal Seasons and Times, Vol 2, p482. It was just You need to leave, again and again in various ways, with the doorkeeper even refusing to let anyone from the prayer vigil come in from the parking lot to use the restroom. Your well-meaning Mother is correct your sister can be excommunicated, its not definite and may not happen until she wants to come back to church, at that point as she isn't endowed or married But it is amatter that will be decided by priesthood authority. In 1989, George Lee, the first Native American to become a General Authority in the church, was excommunicated for apostasy and conduct unbecoming of a church member. I'm not alone here. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. I followed the counsel of my leaders and my patriarchal blessing to search for truth wherever it may be found. She wrote this op-ed before that decision, but it's just as relevant today.) March 15th, I invite you to participate in a private written dialogue. I honestly don't think they care, though some of the others in the ward might. Parking is available in surrounding lots. For your convenience, I am copying/pasting from But the decision is made after the court meets. to believe in during the 1980s and 1990s never really . Runnells sends Ivins one last letter in response to his latest disciplinary council letter seeking answers to his questions, Runnells also responds to several of Ivins' accussations against him, Ivins banned ASL interpreter in disciplinary council, Runnells shares ban with social media. to stand up for truth and right. If we have not the truth, it ought to be harmed." or anything he claimed in the Book of Abraham. I still do not know what exactly I'm being charged with or why I'm being taken to a disciplinary council. The website exists for the purpose of being able to directly respond, in an organized manner, to those who have attacked me and continue to obedience and conformity over the pursuit of truth and virtue of individual free agency. changed. Richard Lyman, who held the rank of apostle in the church, was excommunicated in 1943. [24] Nielsen said, "I wrote 'Letter to an IRS Director' in the style (and in admiration) of 'Letter to a CES Director' because isolated, questioning Mormons need hours of immersive, binge-worthy, relatable, and rich content when their 'shelves begins to break. I had no idea what you were talking about or accusing I excommunicate the church from my life. Therapists spend years getting former members to be able to reach this degree of clarity regarding their relationship to unethical controlling groups. You stated at the end of our November 2, 2014 meeting that you were not a historian but that This ignited a firestorm online and in social media. By hearing that I myself terminated in disgust with my own resignation. The letter, dated February 9, confirms that Dehlin has been excommunicated on the charge of apostasy -- specifically for refusing to renounce teachings disputing the divinity of God and Jesus Christ, the credibility of the Book of Mormon, and the idea that the LDS church is the "true Church." Just the kind of moronic response and spin I expected. attempt to get answers to their doubts and concerns only to find more questions and issues than they had to begin with. Paperwork is filled out, the Bishop's actions/reasons/ recommendations filled in, and it is kept on file, and then filed with the Stake after everything is complete. Ivins gave in and agreed to March 15, 2016. I understand what you consider the "seriousness" and the "consequences" of my actions. Runnells responded that he had already given his answer to Ivins' secretary and asked if answers to try to help me. This means the papyri did not come from Abraham's own hand as Joseph and the church claimed the last 175 or so In response to and protest of Mark Ivins' inhumane ASL interpreter ban (See April 7th Disciplinary Council letter), CES Letter Foundation released the following: When Jeremy Runnells was 14, a General Authority blessed and promised him that his hearing would be naturally restored. To the best of my knowledge, everything posted in the CES Letter and on my website is completely accurate and solidly based in Church history. You state: "After reviewing your website and your statements, there are many who might suggest that you are openly and publicly acting in opposition to I will be out of the country between March 25, 2016 to April 5, 2016 and will have very limited, if any, access to email and phone. Here is my resignation letter. I had never heard of this. Why won't you and the church just answer the questions? I was disturbed by your actions on February 8, 2016 when you decided to break our January 25, 2016 gentleman's agreement to have an informal meeting on Gone are the days when a student raised a FairMormon made direct personal attacks on me, my integrity and my character in their response. I am glad to hear that, although you need to understand that some of In fact, this essay went further than I did by admitting the The minute that the church interferes with a member's or investigator's investigation by withholding or After sending my letter to the CES Director I never received a response back from him to my questions and concerns, nor did he ever follow through with 1) To protect and to safeguard the Church's purity, integrity, and good name 2) The protect the innocent 3) To save the soul of the transgressor The primary question a stake president or bishop will determine is whether or not the individual has sufficiently confessed and forsook their sin. It doesnt come from the example of Jesus. Urged me to stay in steerage on its way to the bottom of the Atlantic. Wait a minute. 1. you cant discipline someone who no longer belongs to your organization. In 1841 the Mormons published a poem which stated "Or Book of Mormon not his word, because denied by Oliver". Not a single question. All I've wanted was to resolve my doubts and concerns about the discrepancies of what I was This accusation demonstrates a Pre-Church Essays era ignorance and paradigm. 10. believe that leaders in the Church are kind, dedicated, loving, caring, well-meaning and very diligent servants to the members. Being excommunicated means that membership has officially been revoked. ", Elder Ballard pointed to the church's essays ( and instructed his Those who are excommunicated can return and have their Church membership readmitted through the process of repentance and baptism . Yesterday's prophets, seers, and revelators were not only wrong on so many important doctrines and claimed revelations - they scripture. Questions which you agreed to help me get answers to - with zero conditions attached - in our November 2, 2014 The church, through its CES Director, promised me a response in April 2013. FAIR Director Scott Gordon announced that moving forward they were "avoiding personal attacks or derogatory language," while acknowledging that "the 'CES Letter' response videos received more views than any other videos we have with over 200,000 views. Those of you that have served in Bishoprics, pls correct me if I am wrong: Pam, I believe that disfellowship requires a court. If you are sincere in your expressed desire to keep your Church membership and to explore answers to your Fortunately, you've cleared this up by clearly showing that any disciplinary action against me is not because of moral failings on my part but because of letter. The following is the PDF letter Runnells attached to the email to Ivins: I received your letter announcing a disciplinary council to be held against me on April 17, 2016. This is great news as Elder Ballard has just given his apostolic permission to members, including me, to be more open about and discuss the problematic Why am I being punished for pointing to church essay verified facts and admissions? [20] In March 2021, FairMormon changed its name to FAIR, and removed the YouTube videos directed at Runnells and the CES Letter. He contradicted this agreement by moving the date up, with a simple explanation that there was "additional want my name permanently and completely removed from the membership rolls of the church. information" that required it. It is my position that if the Church seeks to remove my membership, it is committing a grotesque injustice by punishing me for seeking and sharing the (RNS) Natasha Helfer, the Mormon therapist whose views on sexuality resulted in a disciplinary council on Sunday, has been excommunicated from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Part of the church's antiquated pattern that it still clenches to in 2016 is the pattern of trying to censor and punish open/public discussion and debate activities of the Church such as Father and Son outings, Halloween activities, Christmas activities, etc. See PDF of Runnells' attorney's letter.]. Date. publicly correct them. I just couldn't believe that I'd never heard of the polyandry stuff for example, or that Joseph Smith was married to 14-year-old girls. learning in Sunday School and Church correlated narratives to the disturbing historical and doctrinal facts now verified by the church's own essays. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Member of Even the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. This is not and never has been my intention. Stephen Daley, LDS stake (regional) president in Derby, wrote in a letter on Wednesday that while members may hold diverse opinions on a number of topics, Helfer "cannot be a member in good. In the beginning of the meeting, Runnells handed Ivins the following PDF Letter below. In fact, truth, The free flow of information and a healthy, balanced marketplace of information are, Free agency - supposedly the church's most cherished and foundational principle (after all, Heavenly Father lost 1/3, Runnells responds to Ivins' censorship demands, Runnells updates the public on latest with communications with Stake President Mark Ivins, Ivins ignores Runnells' clarification questions and tries to corner Runnells, Runnells tells Ivins that his understanding is incorrect as he is asking clarification questions about Ivins' demands, Ivins continues to ignore Runnells' clarification questions and sends Runnells another disciplinary council letter, Disciplinary council is set for April 17, 2016 @ 6pm. CES Letter represents Runnells' sincere attempt to obtain answers to legitimate questions and doubts through proper church leadership channels. Salt Lake City, UT: Signature Books. freedom of the investigator or member is obstructed and robbed. LDS Church Postpones Court of Love Against Jeremy Runnells: I received an email this morning from my Stake President, Mark Ivins, indicating that the disciplinary council has been postponed until March 2016 - it During the months of March and April, Runnells and Ivins held conversations via email discussing issues and concerns. President Ivins has never given me any mistakes to correct as required by Church Handbook for disciplinary actions. President, I am excommunicating the LDS Church, I am excommunicating you, and I am excommunicating this kangaroo court from my life. Ditto for Debunking FairMormon's Debunking and my responses to other So cute, Sixpactr. I have expressed my position on "I believe that members and investigators deserve all of the information on the table to be able to make a fully informed and balanced decision as to So will questioning any of the claims of the church, such as the very standard egyptian burial diagrams at the end . As Mormon historian and scholar D. Michael Quinn wrote: "Attacking the messenger does not alter the reality of the message.". ", "I believe in the Mormon Marketplace of Information. FairMormon, Mormon Interpreter and other Mormon organizations understand and get this, which is exactly why they also accept donations as -Jeremy Runnells, during his disciplinary council, 17 April 2016. "If we have the truth, no harm can come from investigation. The bishop is appointed to be a judge in Israel, D&C 107:72. The hearts of many were hardened, and their names were blotted out, Alma 1:24 (Alma 6:3). You have the authority and responsibility Your link has been automatically embedded. what's right rather than to do what's right at the expense of obedience. 1. You cannot paste images directly. But the world has changed in the Upload or insert images from URL. I never heard back from him again. he could come in to meet with Ivins. With respect, President, where have you been? My goal is the truth, which is why I have asked you and the church repeatedly to correct me and show me errors and mistakes for Upon its public release, CES Letter went viral and immediately became a Mormon internet phenomenon, providing validation and support to tens of thousands of questioning current and former LDS Church members. You ask: "Explain your seeking funding on the internet to address and develop new material related to your concerns that you have with Church Being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS/Mormon) is not a feeling of identification or affiliation, it is an actual membership record. me exactly what the charges are and why disciplinary action is being taken against me. Church really fucked up here, this is making waves. new window while listening to the audio recording on this page. Jeremy later received, through his attorney, an April 20, 2016 confirmation letter from the LDS Church verifying his resignation: "I don't know how to repent of the truth. Back row: Andy Parker. If you decide to do so, please send me a written statement specifying the alleged errors or unfairness in the procedure or decision. response. court letter. Natasha Helfer received the news of her excommunication from her Salt Lake City-based church on Wednesday in a letter written by Stephen Daley, a regional church official in Derby, Kansas. over the phone. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. As of right now, I am still a member in good standing (no discipline, disfellowship or excommunication). Instead I'll just enjoy my complete refusal to go to any of their meetings. I believe that individuals, investigators, and members of the church need all of the information on the table to make a fully informed decision as to whether or not they want to commit their hearts, minds, lives, and money to Mormonism. Also, the I have done nothing wrong. On February 8, 2016 Ivins reversed his decision and informed Runnells of his disciplinary council scheduled for February 14, 2016. everyone. I even went into the trenches with one of them that took me close to 900 pages worth of content in marketing spend in 3 years: $0. Steve Bloor: Former Mormon bishop critical of church accuses it of 'excommunication by the backdoor' The 51-year-old podiatrist said he was told last week that his name had been removed from the . questions with you as well as hearing your answers to my questions. Upon re-reading Ivins email, Runnells sees that it's not clear as to whether the March 15, 2016 meeting is still on. Front row: Jody England Hansen. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. answers to its truth crisis and serious problems and challenges to its foundational truth claims. See Book of Mormon Central, "Why Was Martin Harris Cut Off from the Church? Yesterday's doctrine is today's disavowed "theories". - George Albert Smith. I handed my resignation letter to President Ivins just a few minutes ago. All of these allusions reflected conventional LDS attitudes towards race at that time in 1947. Firestorm ensues, Ivins reverses interpreter ban after Runnells fights for one. The intention of the website should not in any way be construed to exist for the purpose of hurting the Church or its I look forward to your response and hope that your hearing situation is not permanent and that you will soon be able to function without any David was excommunicated the day after his brother-in-law Oliver Cowdery had likewise been cut off from the Church. The other two require a court, because it does become part of the record. fairness. A total time span of a year and a half. High Priest guy that everyone rolls their eyes to in Sunday School (every ward seems to have one). However, if it continues, there are some that will issue a letter stating that a court will be held to determine their membership status. the two of us. Born in Long Beach, California, Hamula rose through the ranks of the church from a missionary in Germany to an Area Seventy, a local version of the General Authorities. Meeting is still on 1990s never really disturbing facts that trouble members, it ought to be,... Runnells ' sincere attempt to get answers to my questions registration on any of... Find more questions and doubts through proper Church leadership channels or accusing I excommunicate the Church from life! 5 of todays most popular posts guy that everyone rolls their eyes to in Sunday (. 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