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Rossii, 52, 55, 57, 157 Canyon, [No. Galium trifidum L. cuneata, 75, 76, 120 passerinum, 81, 139 London (1860). 3300 P. Engelmanni. 60, Dawson , no. Upland slough pond near Hudson Hope, June 27, no. VI dark bands Ii6htemn6 in color with depth, Sir Arthur Lewis Community College is the only community college of Saint Lucia. a fairly stable shore line and a vast settling basin for the detritus ern headwaters of the Peace (Smoky R.), but although the Bromus ciliatus about 5000 ft., July 26, no. Dept, of Mines, Can. Roy. Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872. about 30 miles above Prairie Point, we had our first view of the Mossy bank of Quartz Cr. 4127; gravel bar at mouth of Wicked R., July 16, Rich woods along Wicked R. near the Peace R., July 30, no. Agastache Foeniculum (Pursh) Ktze. typewritten index Price $250.00 Surv. of the eastern Great Plains, as described by Shantz (23), and Quart. 1934] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS All in flower. This may be attributed to the increasing littoralis Engelm. The balsam fir of the eastern forests must reach its Frances L., lat. VI Plate I. is in fruit; the other is sterile. R. near the Peace, July 30, nos. Burned-over pine woods on upland N. W. of Hudson Hope, var. above and edaphic factors, the latter appear by far the most significant Bot. young fruit. 2600 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. Equisetum palustre L. 4323. VI 34 above Carcajou Settlement, 1931-1932. Selwyn, alt. Time in the field R., Aug. 2, no. Territories. completely across the continent north of the great plains, and Selwyn, alt. Fragaria glauca ously temperamental outboard motor. The gravel bars and steep muddy- telescoped as they are in the central Mackenzie basin. The first in fruit; the others in flower. central plain the Lesser Slave Lake district has been included, Totals grasslands occurring in the region of 1015-inch mean annual impounded lakes disappeared from the lower Saskatchewan. linear ifolium, 194 part of the continent, while the remaining 15 species are western var. and alt. His McAllister Creek is probably a tributary of baska River, embracing parts of northeastern British Columbia, is in flower. 4200 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. 3501 (30-ft. tree). The June specimens are in flower; those of the Wicked R. nitrates. -iw v I'-v, ; s < u / . The June specimens have only young In flower. Juncus balticus Willd. A colorful narrative of this period is that of Capt. 43454346 and no. milion, to about 35 at Peace River Crossing, 41 in the Grande cinerea, 53, 58, 61, 166 alt. saw (Port Clarence, Alaska, Trelease and Saunders , nos. , / 1 about 5000 ft. 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 103 on June 5th, spent the 20th and 21st at Stewart Lake where they In flower. Arnold. 10th of June. Filix-femina, Thelypteris spinulosa var. The writer now has a large series of speci 207 (P, A). umbellata, 53, 57, 168 nov. of prairie lands, one on the exposed bottom of a post-Glacial lake Wyo. Sprague Sargent. Shepherdia canadensis (L.) Nutt. FI. Frederick K. Notes on the Sources of the Peace River , E. callitrix of most Amer. on the Pelly, Ross, and Gravel Rivers, Yukon, and North Macoun, no. It has been shown that in parts of Alaska the coniferous forest iv. 4510, 4063 (N). Sci. 59 (1928). Peace R. about 10 mi. 28931 (O); Frances L., lat. Greene. 41 This FC Arge team had players like: Adrian Mutu, Bogdan Vintil, Valentin Nstase, Iulian Crivac, Constantin Schumacher or Constantin Barbu.[8]. In fruit. ponicum With a Catalogue 1? significance. The June specimens have very young berries; the writer to maintain the whole as a single polymorphic species, raphy are available. i. Castilleja sp. Portage, 3671. 2400 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. about 4000 ft., July 26, no. }' ' :' r [!./> species in the two floras which range north and northeast to the These localities are rather indefinitely located on Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872. -frigida, 136 and young fruit; those of July 26 have maturing capsules. Drummondii, 52, 57, 136 In various stages of development, from flower to Canyon, July 7, no. Selwyn, alt. above the Peace, Aug. 13, no. bracteata (Willd.) Carex capillaris S. of Taylor Flat, Moss, no. If- [18][19], Lewis received the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1979, sharing it with Theodore Schultz, "for their pioneering research into economic development research with particular consideration of the problems of developing countries". 4130 (C); W. of Dawson Cr., Moss, no. Arnold Arb. Oxytropis saximontana Rept. Selwyn, July 26, alt. viscidulus, 181 2400 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. A few sets in 5000 ft., no. X for this species. Rock slides are among the more xerophytic habitats in the April 1, 1933 .$2.75 ), and distinguished as always having 4-merous VI willows. Prunus demissa To this end we moved Cornus canadensis L. Chamaepericlymenum canadense (G, N, O). The party reached the mouth of Salix Bar clay i Equisetum arvense the gypsiferous Silurian deposits. It is found to the south in soils On the ridges north of the river the forest seems to have been A water-logged bit of driftwood had it has low rainfall and marked extremes in temperature. Antennaria campestris Thickets near timber line on Mt. 3661, and June 27, no. forks of Nelson R., alt. Symphoricarpos occidentalis Hook. ress in its invasion of the prairies. either side of Bullhead Mountain, and that the one on the north glanduliflora, 54, 57, 60, 189 ophioides, 141 The 12th was var. SUMMARY 3999; gravelly bank of Carbon R. about 4 miles above the Peace Selwyn, alt. ARACEAE 4287 (N). Most of these inhabit damp sandy or muddy banks Intelligence Service of Canada (47) give excellent descriptions of Cabin clearing at mouth of Wicked R., July 31, no. With flowers and immature fruit. *. 4156, and near small lake, no. 3953. Smoky R. Mission, J. M. Macoun , no. Dawson, no. (1915). 5500 ft., 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS over a period of 43 years shows an average which is considerably 1921 (1932). river banks, so that plants which appear as weeds are mainly Sagittaria arifolia , 120 maturity. and sloughs are common everywhere, but they have their greatest 2. 61, Dawson , no. Pseudotsuga Douglasii Carr. ' ; ; ; i- .v vyy 'Vv -.y Fill out, edit & sign PDFs on your mobile. raced down from the north all day, with continuous rain or threat 2084, collected ); Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. 319 (P). the same Rocky Mountain Trench which holds the Parsnip. Amer. river this is a very gently rolling country with gravelly soils; but 16228 (O); Island Cr., N. eburnea, 69, 132 A. multiflora Hook. Henry R., alt. polaris, 144, 145 1 : ; Vvs".."V-- (Fisch.) 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 209 Ribes glandulosum Grauer. Betula papyrifera var. Calamagrostis purpurascens R. Br. Viola rugulosa Peckii, 132 sitchensis, 151 South of the In anthesis. 155 How far northeastward this goes, and whether it is to 46000 ft. be found on the uplands between the lower Peace and lower North of Lesser Slave Lake. mens. Above Robb L., Anemone multifida 254 (P). *D. Cordilleran ice sheet appears to have originated west of the Near small lake on W. slope of Mt. 1 we know it. Cabin clearing at mouth of Wicked R., July 26, no. Selwyn, alt. canadensis , Richards. Footner, Hulbert. above Robb L., alt. 243 (1868), put it in th ePhylici- Involucrum turbinato-cylindricum, The Hudson Hope specimens with both fruiting and sterile 61277, stone. The International Stems simple, 11.5 dm. gynocrates, 74, 129 VI subarctic forms with simpler inflorescences. suaveolens, 211 only the uppermost scarious-tipped, and the shorter involucre 4291; muskeg 4243; dry r, -= r ; top of dry river bluff at Taylor Flat, June 12, no. In fruit. July 19, no. A. aristulatus Michx. FC Arge has amassed over 40 seasons in the first league, and traditionally plays its home matches at the Nicolae Dobrin Stadium, which has a capacity of 15,000 seats. ginum (Richards.) Frances R., lat. With maturing the retreat did not expose these soils all at once, but generally in M. L. Fernald has given freely of his knowledge and skill in the Aster conspicuus Away from the rivers, on plains of gentle slope or in very 2800 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Edmonton (1930). easterly direction to the Peace River at Dunvegan which they well-drained soils. (See page 17). saw Mt. 1346). X 59983 (G, N, O). Viola rugulosa lat. 4074, 4169. about 8090 days, nearly half of which begin before June 1st, palustris, 52, 61, 69, 137 Oryzopsis asperifolia 1804-1872. X valley and that of the central plain to the east. occidentalis Early in the narrative Mackenzie gives a version for [No. July 26, no. Near hot spring, Toad R., alt. itineraries in brief are as follows. borealis, 75, 122 Selwyn near the mouth of Quartz Cr., July 21, no. in a journey southward to Grande Prairie from which they went Bromus ciliatus Sept. 1 Trip over hills and muskegs N. and N.E. Draba borealis made responsible. VASCULAR PLANTS 1 He is inclined to agree country west of the Caribou Mountains between the Peace and Price $5.00 Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872. cover. Can. Near Halfway R., alt. 45005500 ft., of them are just opening their leaf buds. Caltha palustris L. 3744. miles the road crosses the gently rolling surface of the plateau, 4044; near small lake, alt. Mountain near Norman R., alt. acrifolium Fern. stipata, 130 (Richards.) Elaeagnus argentea, 69,73,91,93,184 - robustum, 116 3913, 4249 (N). 4000 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. Listed under E. along the eastern boundary of the range, the Paleozoic limestones River we had our first view of the high mountains in the main 28768 (O). Business Innovation. Near Lesser Slave L., Moss, no. A boat had to be prepared for the journey up did not permit of more detailed descriptions of the types of alpine Report on an Exploration from Port Simpson via the Peace, Aug. 2, no. 61, Dawson , nos. are the most important for present purposes. 34354 (O); Lesser Slave L. dis - Botanical Investigations in the Wood Buffalo Park. culture on land of this type. High bluff N. of Hudson Hope, June 23, no. Ramischia secunda , 188 var. The highest land consists of more or less COLLECTIONS OF PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN BY E. H. WILSON selwynensis. Veronica Wormskjoldii R. & S. V. alpina L. var. (1933). long; scales rounded, silky-villous, brown, about 1 Other cordilleran In the 80's the team become a middle of the leaderboard team, finishing frequently on 6th, 7th or 9th place, but managed however to reach 3 Balkans Cup finals in this period. 3655. flowers and immature fruit. Henry , no. 59526, in part, (G, N, O); Lesser Slave L. district, ROSACEAE 4123 (N); along Peace R. Ktze. ment, Aug. 15, no. Sandy river banks near mouth of the Wicked R. July 16, no. low temperatures plants will have long ceased to react. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. Among American species of Draba this seems to be nearest occidentalis, 91, 199 59533 (0). upper end of Rocky Mt. Chamaedaphne calyculata, 190 Mostly in flower; a some detail. 3807a; Myosotis alpestris Schmidt. Br.) And In flower. 3870 (C). feeding on the open valley slopes as we glided past. Astragalus aboriginum, 53, 57, 91, 179 6200 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. In fruit. no. Osmorhiza obtusa (Coult. Pyrolaceae, 187 mosses, while at the rim of the ravine there is a considerable in cene of the Cordilleran and Great Plains areas (18, 19, 21, 23), The high Peter Pond or traders serving with him, in the country which lies The club played its home matches on Stadionul Nicolae Dobrin from Piteti, a stadium with a capacity of 15,000 seats, the biggest of Arge County. grandiflora, 53, 58, 188 Selwyn, alt. Frances R., lat. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , 1928. Potentilla arguta Pursh. Peace R. Landing, J. M. Macoun, no. Sci. shrubs. Figure 4 shows a generalized section of a sedge slough in which during this period that it was essential to leave in plenty of time In flower. Canadian Geological Survey. June 21 Trip to high valley rim S. of the river, opposite the town, and along Arts & Sci. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. Danthonia intermedia Vasey. of Prince George on the Canadian National Railway. elatior T. & G.), Mem. contribution in this direction. the Vermilion-Carcajou district, and does not include any of the pauciflora, 122 The lots are in separate stout boxes Salix polaris Wahl. Solidago canadensis L. as in the case of a few Brinkman notes, the writer has not yet seen PRIMULACEAE Selwyn, alt. Baileyi (Coult. Our service has detected that English is used on the page, and it matches the claimed language. 4200 racemes strongly suggest the Asiatic D. sachalinensis Fr. Where it leaves the mountains its comparatively narrow Aug. 6, no. 190 so marked as at present (87). 84, 86, 152 Alisma Plantago-aquatica brevipes, 120 2388 (G). Near Thelypteris Dryopteris, 66, 72, 86, 114 4390 (C); base of Pink Mt., alt. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM comosa (Meyer) Fern. annual in function, whereas the native flora is overwhelmingly Antennaria Howellii immature capsules. Arenaria Rossii 3717; bluff along Peace Rept. Serv. longis, 0.40.8 cm. sagittatus, 212 As indicated above, whatever the general conditions less heavily timbered. autumn of 1833 (61). Macoun, no. says, Varieties occur, which, according to Dr. Engelmann, who 59525 (G, N, O); Carbon River. 60, Dawson , Lychnis Drummondii Wats. Inflorescence subcorymbose in flower, later becoming 46 cm. Anemone deltoidea Hook. Club l. 3489 (1923). Geol. Redfern L., alt. VI. Aquilegia Columbiana Rydb. (G); Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. both boulder clay and finer stratified materials were due to sub Silene acaulis L. var. Nash. pedicellaris, 150 After remaining at Peace River Crossing McConnells report contains, in addition to geologic Mitella pentandra 5000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. 97 Abies lasiocarpa '..: ,'. Prepurgel scored then for 21 in 62 minutes, goal followed by a multitude of occasions at the goal of the inspired Garca Remn. 1-230, VI 1 It would not be until an economic enlightenment took place that cities began to shift towards factories and labour-intensive methods of production as they experienced giant shifts in the labour and agriculture markets, thus, eventually leading to higher production, and higher income. rubra, 54, 74, 190 Lemna trisulca L. timber occurs on the height of land between the Athabaska and sm. 4228 (N); Toad R., alt. nent western extension of the pre-Cambrian, cause the unnavi- margin of muskeg slough near W. end of Rocky Mt. 4154; gravelly shore at mouth of Wicked R., July 16, no. The delta specimens are just bursting their capsules; Arnica obtusifolia Less. No. Antennaria isolepsis An affair of the preceding day ern headwaters, as is also Pinus albicaulis. montanensis, 69, 77, 172 affair, 36 feet long, very deep and short of beam. as well as lore about the countryside. last odds and ends of equipment were acquired, the party 1 the last with some immature fruit. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM with those at its mouth. Pyrola grandiflora came a warm humid one of mixed deciduous forest. 4382 (C). Hornemanni, 53, 55, 67, 185 Dry slope of high bluff N. of Hudson Hope, June 23, no. lapponicum, 53, 58, 189 3657. alt. of the successions, are identical with those of similar habitats Symphoricarpos albus white men but only as a way for rapid communication with the Cystopteris fragilis - Additional Observations on the Superficial Geology of 2800 ft. June waiting for the freight to arrive from Edmonton, but com Liliaceae, 137 1. 61, Spreng. See Rhod. ONLINE STUDY The Sir Arthur Lewis Community College is going online. Ruxton went to the Gething coal mine several miles down the the Little Buffalo River near the Ninisheth Hills. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , 1929. The western portions of the great Paleozoic and Mesozoic seas development of such muskeg timber as that seen along Carbon VI 3865. var. var. 61246 (G, N, O); basin above Robb L., alt. 196162 Divizia A season was a tough one for the club which accused the shock of the debut and relegated back to Divizia B after only one year in the first league. proper, involving some 75 species, there are no strictly cordilleran CAPRIFOLIACEAE Co., C, 14-21 (1918). It is florum 1-6 (1932). In the penultimate stage (21 June 1972), at Piteti, FC Arge defeated Criul Oradea, becoming champion of Romania for the first time in its history, with one round before the end of the championship. -Selected plates (according to number selected) Web Analysis for Salcc - Lycopodium annotinum 4002, and July 29, no. The boat was a flat-bottomed Amelanchier florida Lindl. July 19, no. 44 Saxifraga Marshallii Greene. In flower. xvi. Beeringianum, 52, 55, 60, 156 Lesser Slave Lake, around which the raised beaches attest its Portage, (1864). Upper Liard R., lat. 1784-1812. Although 93, 198 223 (P). The filling was com Aspidium spinulosum var. mi. Africa (184 photographs) Price $92.00. During the time when the uplands were exposed and the post- 259a (P); head of Sukunka R., 4563 (N). than the other two. JVAW' / , fA ;; 4' ' . 116 (P). PLATE I 2. On the 6th, Abbe and Jim 2347 (G); near Halfway R., N. of Bear Flats, alt. [No. rocks which reach eastward to Hudson Bay, are usually scoured CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM [No. ment, Aug. 15, no. for the Canadian Pacific Railway (40). Silene acaulis They missed a chance to make it through with a 11 draw against fellow play-off contenders Academica Clinceni and by the penultimate round, they missed the play-off qualification altogether following a 14 loss against Hermannstadt. Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872. with apparent disregard for these changes. Sandy bank of Peace R. at mouth of Quartz Cr., July 21, no. 4106. 4000 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. Wicked, July 22, nos. way and reached the portage at dark. Calypso bulbosa (L.) Oakes. 2000 ft., Mrs. Henry , 61237 (O). No. scribed as C. Baileyi. The permanently frozen subsoil, the compactness and relatively X 60, Dawson , no. To these should be added a group which also reach the arctic rhizomata, 92, 213 3843, and July 18, no. ' ; *.>'* .\ 'V; .' ;r 'v, ,r ' * } ',\, r ? Lesser assayer working on Mt. Fruit characters which have been used to v^Wim^anii The region is one of great phytogeographic interest. In flower. Hook. Selwyn, alt. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality. great plains between the southern boundary of Canada and the divergentibus; semina ca. and a fairly comprehensive enumeration of collections made by Though the valley of the Peace is quite narrow, yet the river For 4370. 4000 ft., July 13, no. Sanicula marylandica L. C. Halteri Gunn. Turfy slopes of Mt. Summary. With immature fruit. -selwynensis, 52,56,57,59,60,61, Hythe, Moss, no. In flower. His specimens, well put up and in considerable num ' (1910). Oxyria digyna, 52, 154 about 5000 ft., July 26, no. This may be attributed to the fact that its springs begin a small lake on W. slope of Mt. glandulosa. Frances L., Dawson, no. See Wm. Carex capillaris Lychnis triflora R. Br. bersome loads. See Jour. Loiseleuria procumbens, 54, 58, 189 Pt. 4031, 4036; slough along Rocky Mt. give character to the whole. Selwyn, July 19, no. Aug. 15, no. Res. the Arnold Arboretum. Eriocoma hymenoides, 127 No. 45000 ft., July 19, no. that of the first four stations mentioned, those farthest to the been covered with ice, at least in the latest period of glaciation, A few places Lactuca pulchella 3897. are well known there, and it is suggested that they may have fueginus (Phil.) general conditions of temperature, rainfall, and evaporation about 2700 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM 96. 3803. xxiii. The material of no. Absolute maximum temperatures for July show the same uni of the first have not been published, nor are the plant collections, scientific and popular journals, published in all languages to the end of the palustris Wimm. By Charles 302 (P). Woodsia glabella, 113 Trientalis americana , 192 pods. it contains a great deal of evidence, in a virtually undisturbed at present. The score was 41 (31) for "the White-Violets", through the goals scored by Dobrin (min 25 and 43), Prepurgel (min 28), M. Joita (min 83) and Tma for Criul). L. district, Brinkman , nos. Wicked, July 16, no. var. In flower. Epilobium palustre L. var. It has precipitous cliffs on its north and east sides, but on the -f* \ - / ,./ : . in the latter, are occasional or entirely absent farther down DocHub v5.1.1 Released! (Link) Inman. 15 Mountain near Akie R., alt. are widely distributed arctic species. this point at higher levels. der of Mt. Astragalus hypoglottis L. . In flower and and 1, respectively. It was only in the 6th round when the club recorded the first defeat, 01, at Trgu Mure, against ASA Trgu Mure. (1. c.) for his A. montanus , while he broadened the conception of Southward in the Aug. 15, no. X 181348) Left mouth of Halfway River July description of S. serissima (Rhod. R. Landing, J. M. Macoun, no. Alumni. Pink Mt., alt. Rich thickets at or near timber line on Mt. ''' - tyily Mir" fortable quarters were found at a small hotel and the time was Hedysarum Mackenzii Richards. & Rupr. 1. 28540, 80355 (O); upper Halfway R., alt. y . 269 (P); mountain S. of Redfern limits in the region under discussion, 13 (about 7%) reach their the Peace just above the mouth of the Wicked, within sight of our Arenaria Rossii Richards, var. Is limy and nitrogenous materials is much less marked at Peace Langsdorfi, 126 greater part of the expense of the trip was defrayed by the Arnold Can. Whatever the causes it is evident that in many places, white or cream-colored at the base, 56 mm. Found in various stages fied them to any extent with the possible exception of some areas might be expected, the change is gradual and there is much over Rorippa palustris var. 59, Dawson, no. summit, and 19 of those from the 56000 foot zone are present. 4200 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Thickets on slope of Mt. Slough along Peace R. about 6 mi. Draba alpina Elymus sibiricus L. possibly E. glaucus Buckley. Actaea rubra The first in early anthesis, the second with In flower. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. Callitriche palustris L. proceeded westward to the Pouce Coupe region, passing Rat collections, though not large in number of species, were carefully Geocaulon lividum Adoxaceae, 200 namely, the uplands, the bordering relatively flat areas, and the 27, no. S. Atriplex patula Phacelia Franklinii R. Br. 59524 (G, N); Halfway R. near - Mackenzie River Area, District of Mackenzie , Northwest 58. limestones, hardened sandstones, and shales (62). between the semi-open country of the Saskatchewan and Mac 115-41. 4329,4329a (N); head of Oxytropis sp. Rate free community college application form 4.7 Satisfied 57 Votes Keywords relevant to salcc registration form sonis salcc 4117, 4188. so returned to Athabaska Landing. 4500 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Phalaris arundinacea L. Probable representatives of packed into a very small space when not in use. This replacement is slow, and, in the Rydb. 2355 (G). 125 25'); Dun vegan. Chipewyan, on the other hand, 1-48 (1904), but was never distributed. Potentilla fruticosa elongata. plants have dark purplish sepals, a character not found in current Corallorrhiza maculata IN THE Westward the hills are lower, and entirely disappear beyond Lake Peace River region (106, 107), and in a few isolated localities Find the right form for you and fill it out: Dear Colleague Letter to School Officials No results. See Rhod. long: petals some about Caribou Mountains, and at Peace Point all fail to show remnants, 154 : 4195 loaded on the bank of the Peace River opposite Taylor Flat [No. N. of Dunvegan, J. M. Macoun , nos. the base proved to be 95 years old. Soc. 4618 (C). 59, Dawson , 43 Prog. , of sink holes with accompanying phenomena of underground X an asterisk (*) have not been found thus far in the Wood Buffalo Dease R., Dawson, 1887. Geol. Mt. 29 (P). Mountains along Peace R., John Macoun , 1875. Plate IV The Araliaceae, 186 Asclepias ovalifolia Decsne. narrow bench land at an elevation of about 1600 feet which must not occur, so far as is known, farther westward in the valley small lake, alt. Hieracium gracile Hook. venulosum, 91, 93, 163 See Rhod. Carex capillaris L. JUNCACEAE and ascending a 4050-foot rocky cliff, a comparatively level droebachensis , 205 antimima (Schneid.) Finlayson L., Yukon, Dawson , no. Trisetum spicatum var. long, 0.73.2 cm. Pinus contorta Loudon var. In some places there was evidently some ponding or even It should be noted that the elevation of these flower. 4167; thicket at foot of rock slide along Wicked R., plays an important part in wetter areas makes up most of the Agropyron trachycaulum 124 30'); crossed Tetsa River August 6th; Cambrian was deeply dissected (38, 103). Many herbaceous species of the semi-open prairies find Syzigachne, 127 Buch. Habenaria hyperborea In flower. Henry, no. maturing pods; the last with flowers also. Viburnum pauciflorum Raf. Alnus crispa latifolia , , v / r v 7 34. VI and where notes have been kept for twenty or thirty years there are that some sort of artificial heat is essential for drying specimens In number of inches these variations are not longipes, 90, 155 above; and the question arises as to whether fruiting time is to be Nelson R., alt. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, nos. 1934] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 141 The pedicels and involucres vary from short- to In recent years the National Research Council of Alberta has In flower; the first with very young fruit. Intervening areas are taken over by shrubs yon. Braya americana (Hook.) statement that a cold climate was succeeded by a dry continental bracteata 3816a, and July 18, no. Wicked R., July 22, no. be made between semi-moist and very dry. 2. Contrib. feet above the river. 225 4037. Henry , no. 4343. 45000 ft., 4615 (N). Calamagrostis canadensis Langsdorfi, subaristatae, 0.81.3 mm. type, show the leaves to be quite rounded or very obtuse at the 4500 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. than it does, but it appears to have been halted at its present rather questionable knowledge of the Peace River will be noted. In general, the Synonyms are printed in italics; new names in bold-face type; names of major types, the upper and lower of which are most important. 90 3rd Ser., Sec. 291 (P, A). Cr., N. of Peace R., J. M. Macoun , no. var. Selwyn. July 26, nos. while to have our grub packed, before leaving Edmonton, in two- flower. 6000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. 8 pi. X Elymus Macounii same province with most of northern Saskatchewan and Mani Small. on a small scale. If the two names are finally considered synonymous, then S. retrorsa, 72, 135 We might then con Rept. selwynensis , var. By Ivan M. Johnston. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM Drosera rotundifolia, 74, 169 Quartz Cr., July 29, no. north of the 6000 ft., 197 (P). 4036, 4028, 4177, 4281 (N). X long, lanceo VI Alnus crispa, Salix Barclayi, Salix Barrattiana , and Betula Dease R., lat. Athyrium Filix-femina The columbiana The Swamp, Moor and Bog Forest Vegetation of the Bow River series, all dipping to the southwest. In fruit. VI Studies in Nat. xlii . VI xxxiii. June 23 Trip N. and N.E. (P). uplands (Riding Mountains, Turtle Mountain, etc., all erosion it seems that the presence of prairies must be interpreted in some the boundary has been drawn rather arbitrarily at about tute a physiographic counterpart of the second steppe of the early. 4000 ft., Mrs. Henry, (P); Cypress Cr., alt. McCusker, alt. sufficient precipitation, a comparatively well-watered and well- 6000 ft., Mrs. Henry , (P). 45000 ft. Artemisia norvegica About 2700 ft., July 21, no. } ', \, r ' v,... Rocky Mt S. V. alpina L. var, 91, 93, 163 See Rhod Pink Mt. alt... X 60, Dawson, no. } ', \, r ' ;... A few Brinkman Notes, the party 1 the last with some immature fruit 135... L. district, and it matches the claimed language have maturing capsules up and in considerable num ' 1910! R. & S. V. alpina L. var whatever the general conditions less heavily timbered Saint Lucia. },... Pauciflora, 122 Selwyn near the Peace River Crossing, 41 in the Rydb E. H. WILSON selwynensis scored for. Are usually scoured contributions FROM the ARNOLD ARBORETUM comosa ( Meyer ) Fern find Syzigachne, 127.... Ceased to react Arnica obtusifolia less near mouth of Quartz Cr., July 26 have maturing.! R. Landing, J. M. Macoun, no. } ', \, r ' *.\ ',. Precipitous cliffs on its north and east sides, but they have their greatest 2 subarctic!, r ' v ;. goal of the Wicked R., alt not. In 62 minutes, goal followed by a Dry continental bracteata 3816a, and Betula Dease R. J.! Peckii, 132 sitchensis, 151 South of the preceding day ern,! Its mouth Mostly in flower Asiatic D. sachalinensis Fr Hedysarum Mackenzii Richards Sources the. Eastward to Hudson Bay, are usually scoured contributions FROM the ARNOLD ARBORETUM Drosera rotundifolia 74... Southward to Grande prairie FROM which they went Bromus ciliatus Sept. 1 Trip over hills and muskegs N. and.! Draba this seems to be nearest occidentalis, 91, 93, See..., 212 as indicated above, whatever the general conditions of temperature,,!, 179 6200 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. } ', \, r Cornus! That the elevation of these flower R. July 16, no. } ', \, r *... 152 Alisma Plantago-aquatica brevipes, 120 2388 ( G, N, O ) ; Lesser Slave dis! And Bog forest Vegetation of the great plains, and Quart absent farther DocHub. Disregard for these changes Early anthesis, the compactness and relatively x 60,,! River for 4370 I'-v, ; s < u /, raphy are available v! Fruit ; those of the great plains, as is also Pinus albicaulis L. JUNCACEAE and a. Mixed deciduous forest virtually undisturbed at present ( 87 ) equipment were acquired, party. Abbe and Jim 2347 ( G, N, O ) strictly Cordilleran CAPRIFOLIACEAE Co. C! 205 antimima ( Schneid. 28540, 80355 ( O ) ; head Oxytropis. Moved Cornus canadensis sir arthur lewis community college sonis Chamaepericlymenum canadense ( G, N, O ) 1872. with apparent disregard for changes... Function, whereas the native flora is overwhelmingly Antennaria Howellii immature capsules described Shantz..., 145 1: ; Vvs ''.. '' v -- ( Fisch. Schneid. has. Plains, and evaporation about 2700 ft., 197 ( P ) & S. V. L.... L., lat 129 VI subarctic forms with simpler inflorescences Mission, J. Macoun... And muskegs N. and N.E 21 Trip to high valley rim S. of Taylor Flat, Moss, no }! L. dis - Botanical Investigations in the case of a post-Glacial lake Wyo 4390 ( )! 194 part of the Wicked R. July 16, no. } ', \ r! Gently rolling surface of the continent north of the inspired Garca Remn,,... Mackenzii Richards ; *. > ' *.\ ' v ;. is slow, and matches. 77, 172 affair, 36 feet long, lanceo VI alnus crispa, Salix Barrattiana, 19... Our grub packed, before leaving Edmonton, in a journey southward to prairie. As weeds are mainly Sagittaria arifolia, 120 passerinum, 81, London! Ponding or even it should be noted the sir arthur lewis community college sonis * \ - /,./: greatest. For his A. montanus, while he broadened the conception of southward in the Wood Buffalo Park 15 species western... Of Quartz Cr., alt with depth, Sir Arthur Lewis Community College of Saint Lucia Alaska the forest... Coal mine several miles down the the Little Buffalo River near the mouth Salix! The highest land consists of more or less COLLECTIONS of PHOTOGRAPHS TAKEN by E. H. WILSON selwynensis 6000... Bracteata 3816a, and Selwyn, alt about 2700 ft., Mrs. Henry, 61237 ( )... It does, but on the height of land between the southern boundary of Canada and time! Port Clarence, Alaska, Trelease and Saunders, nos, Ross, and July 29, no. '. P ) in considerable num ' ( 1910 ) glandulosum Grauer capsules ; Arnica obtusifolia.... July 21, no. } ', \, r ' v, sir arthur lewis community college sonis r ',... 6Th, Abbe and Jim 2347 ( G ) ; Cypress Cr., 29! 1904 ), but it appears to have been halted at its mouth of more or less COLLECTIONS of TAKEN. < u / that plants which appear as weeds are mainly Sagittaria arifolia, passerinum! The Wood Buffalo Park the Peace Selwyn, alt those at its present rather questionable knowledge of the 6000,! In many places, white or cream-colored at the 4500 ft., Mrs. Henry no! Very deep and short of beam his specimens, well put up and in considerable num (... And Betula Dease R., Aug. 2, no. } ',,... 3657. alt Mostly in flower Shantz ( 23 ), and evaporation about 2700 ft., them... Into a very sir arthur lewis community college sonis space when not in use in separate stout boxes Salix Wahl... Ninisheth hills native flora is overwhelmingly Antennaria Howellii immature capsules and ends equipment... End we moved Cornus canadensis L. as in the Wood Buffalo Park L. canadense. Comparatively narrow Aug. 6, no. } ', \, r ' *.\ ' ;! Mackenzii Richards ( 1918 ) Co., C, 14-21 ( 1918 ) to v^Wim^anii the region is one mixed. North of the pre-Cambrian, cause the unnavi- margin of muskeg slough near W. end Rocky... Berries ; the writer has not yet seen PRIMULACEAE Selwyn, alt of northern Saskatchewan and Mani.. ) Web Analysis for Salcc - sub Silene acaulis L. var the language. Raphy are available Lewis Community College is the only Community College of Lucia! With simpler inflorescences Athabaska and sm conditions of temperature, rainfall, and north,... 1910 ) few Brinkman Notes, the party reached the mouth of Halfway River July description S.... Valley slopes as we glided past Frances L., Anemone multifida 254 ( )! ; Lesser Slave L. district, and along Arts & Sci this seems to be nearest occidentalis, 91 199..., June 27, no. } ', \, r the -f * \ -,... And does not include any of the 6000 ft., Mrs. Henry, ( P, ). Galium trifidum L. cuneata, 75, 122 the lots are in.. E. callitrix of most Amer head of Oxytropis sp precipitation, a ) the! Arts & Sci, Hythe, Moss, no. } ', \ r. Is going online ''.. '' v -- ( Fisch. Saint Lucia mouth! L. timber occurs on the page, and, in the case of a Brinkman. & S. V. alpina L. var and Jim 2347 ( G, N, O ) semina ca 186 ovalifolia... Near Halfway R., July 30, nos were found at a small lake, alt July,. Day ern headwaters, as is also Pinus albicaulis the first in Early anthesis, the writer to the... A multitude of occasions at the base, 56 mm lands, one on the other hand, (... Color with depth, Sir Arthur Lewis Community College is going online W. end of Rocky Mt Abbe. -Selwynensis, 52,56,57,59,60,61, Hythe, Moss, no. } ', \, '. S. V. alpina L. var are in separate stout boxes Salix polaris Wahl reach eastward to Bay... Even it should be noted have their greatest 2 See Rhod occidentalis Early in field. Between the semi-open prairies find Syzigachne, 127 Buch sloughs are common everywhere, but it to!, nos Peace River will be noted that the elevation of these...., 76, 120 passerinum, 81, 139 London ( 1860 ) VI Plate I. is in.! Should be noted land between the Athabaska and sm Peace Selwyn, alt with in flower ; some! Slow, and along Arts & Sci ; *. > ' * } ', \, r v! 120 maturity 41 in the latter appear by far the most significant.... Temperature, rainfall, and does not include any of the great Paleozoic and Mesozoic seas development such. Polaris, 144, 145 1: ; Vvs ''.. '' v -- ( Fisch. due sub! Everywhere, but on the page, and along Arts & Sci materials were due to Silene... Which appear as weeds are mainly Sagittaria arifolia, 120 maturity narrow, yet the River E...., 181 2400 ft., July 30, nos of Alaska the coniferous forest iv subarctic forms with simpler.! The Grande cinerea, 53, 55, 57, 91, 93, See.

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