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There is nothing good about our flesh whatsoever. Whatever it is, if the self is involved, it needs to die. Courts of Heaven - Mike Parsons in NW Ekklesia 28,099 views Dec 21, 2016 Get an overview of the courts of heaven, and learn how to function in the court of accusation for your. For the Father loves the Son, and shows Him all things that He Himself is doing; and the Father will show Him greater works than these, so that you will marvel. (John 5:20). We are already unconditionally loved and forgiven and everything has been accomplished, so we can live in rest and discover our true identity as sons from that place of rest, rather than doing all the things we are doing to prove we are sons. Trying to please God, trying to be obedient, trying to love other people and trying to do the things God wants us to do: we get worn out trying. There is no should do anything, it is just being. That is just adding up the years in the biblical genealogies and has little to do with reality. I am aware that God does things in cycles and seasons but it is not that one ends and another begins, they are more overlapping processes which will bring us to a state of maturity as sons. Both can be true. 180126-N-LY160-0104 PEARL HARBOR, Hawaii (January 26, 2018) Mike Parson, lieutenant governor of . Rest is the opposite of works, so when we live in the rest of what Jesus has done we dont have to work for our own redemption and reconciliation. I had to choose to trust God even if I could not see anything. This post is based on Mikes answer to a question on his YouTube channel: Mystic Mentoring Monday 9th August 2021 US Pacific. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being (John 1:3). So it is better to just focus on each individual living in rest, which will in turn bring rest to the planet. Stream, download, watch again and again! And the Holy Spirit also testifies to us; for after saying, This is the covenant which I will make with them after those days, declares the Lord: I will put My laws upon their hearts, and write them on their mind, He then says, And their sins and their lawless deeds I will no longer remember. Now where there is forgiveness of these things, an offering for sin is no longer required. In June 2014, Mike Parsons posted here on this blog seekingfellow-travellersfor this journey. Or you can scroll down for more written information. It starts with a desire, it takes discipline, and then it becomes a delight. Psalm 23 *Technology permitting: automated process on completion of online registration form and payment plan setup. We have a right to bring judgment to change things in this realm, and eventually to have access to stand among those who are operating in the heaven of heavens. The complex is 135,000 square feet, he says. When we become Christians, we say that we make Him Lord of our life: we must make sure that He really is. One day, He said to me How much of what you know about me comes directly from Me and how much of it has come from reading, listening to sermons and other people? And I had to admit that probably 99% of what I thought I knew was actually not from personal experience and therefore was only information, not true knowledge. Topics likely to include:Restoration of fatherhood and sonship Call to the Joshua Generation Accessing the fire stones of destiny Engaging the Ya Sod, the Fathers heart in the what was (eternity) Standing in the 4 faces of God Operating in the Order of Melchizedek. Years ago I was very systematic in how I approached (and taught) things because that is the way I am wired. Call forth our spirit. This deception is what creates this false hell narrative in which such a god would torture his children eternally. The latest book (and ebook) by Mike Parsons is out now! There is no life left in the old system: it is dead and gone you have to move on. A mind shift from attempts to impress God by your behaviour to faith righteousness in Christ is fundamental. Love must seem wasteful and undeserved or it is not love. If we can really get hold of that reality then it will free us up so much to discover just how powerful we are and how amazing our sonship is. In this single-session teaching, Mike talks us through his foundational daily meditative practice. Introducing 'Engaging God'. The Father said Son, we will never give up on even one of those who are Our sons as We cannot deny Ourselves. God cannot deny Himself because He is love. Man was created and the animals were created, but the earth is not just 7000 years old either. If you can just grasp that one truth in an experiential way, it will transform your life as it has transformed mine. If you wish, before you purchase you can easily check the approximate equivalent in other currencies (including USD) by using an online exchange rate calculator such as. If I focus on how much transformation is still needed, that can put pressure on me, because I am not there yet. 4. Every day has fresh mercies. The benefits of being a Patreon member for you are dependent on which tier youd like to join. Should you wish to cancel your subscription at any time, log in, click the 'Me' tab in the top menu and choose 'Manage subscription'. Like most people, I was conditioned to believe you only went to heaven when you died. Terms and conditionsapply. If we are constantly thinking that we have somehow missed it, that will draw us back into works rather than grace. Like this page for. You may not have thought of it in quite that way though. But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. VAT registration number GB297839624. Included modules normally have the word 'Module' in the title. You can order it from The Book Depository(with free delivery worldwide), Barnes & Noble (USA), Waterstones (UK), local and online booksellers and some local Amazon sites. If I were God (fortunately I am not), the religious backwater of a small town in the far southwest of the United Kingdom would not have been my choice of place to begin the journey. (2070 Little River Church Rd, Taylorsville, NC 28681). [Engaging God] will guide people along the journey following the pathway of relationship, to deeper levels of intimacy manifesting the kingdom through their lives. Together they have two grown children and six grandchildren. It became almost formulaic, and that is not how God intends our lives to be. Or you can use the blue button tocontact usabout makinga one-time gift. You have to think about somebody else. Engaging The Father) This means we do not judge anyone else or where they are on their journey. Do shop around (and check shipping costs)! Course Leader. In this single-session teaching, Mike talks us through his foundational daily meditative practice. Love cannot and will not fail as We will never give up and cannot be denied or resisted forever. and also have charge of My courts, Often there is an immediate or initial fulfilment that we can see, for example in the life of Jesus, and there is also a progressive fulfilment that goes on happening. There is nothing of the spirit in these. It does not say that a day is a thousand years, just that a day is like a thousand years. If that is not all our experience then we have ceased the journey, content with our systematic theological understanding of a God who is infinite, creating a box for that God that is only a prison for our minds. Note: you can purchase any or all of the Engaging God modules if you wish, but a subscription is much more cost-effective. For a moment, stop and embrace that. I am now an atheist to the god I previously worshipped as he never existed other than as a figment of my religious imagination. (Hebrews 10:15-18). . All this was of Gods design, in order hopefully to inspire others that nothing is impossible with a God who often chooses the foolish things of this world. Mary was born in Lanette, Alabama on November 28, 1925 to Samuel "Sam" and Annie Lee Myers. That will deal with sickness, disease, poverty all the things which rob Gods people (and the world) of their inheritance and all that stolen inheritance will be restored. I AM is a constant, never changing. Love never finds us guilty because love keeps no record of wrongs (I Corinthians 13:5), so how can He find us guilty? For some, it will be in this period or that period a thousand years in the future it is coming, its just not yet. That is why the Law was ineffective. Deeper into intimacy with God, deeper into God Himself, deeper into the Truth (Jesus), deeper into revelation? Equipping a Joshua Generation of supernatural sons of God (Gal 5:16). *Technology permitting: automated process on completion of online registration form and payment plan setup. For that to happen, we have to build our spirit. There will be no end of the increase of His government. Here again we see that Stone which was cut out without hands in Daniel 2. But what I do want enough is a strong spirit, and therefore I am willing to do whatever it takes to train it. Today, Governor Parson announced that the Coordinating Board for Higher Education voted to select Dr. Bennett Boggs as the new Commissioner of the Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development (DHEWD). That really doesnt seem to be the experience of most people. Engaging at the Arc the names of God identity and destiny (with crystal bowl) That is really difficult: but it is possible, because that is the way God has loved us and He wants us to love other people in the same way. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. I loved to try to fix things that were broken, using my inbuilt ingenuity to solve problems with whatever was at my disposal. We prepare according to Gods Prophetic Timetable of events for the future, so that we will be ready for what he is doing and ready to play our part in it. When you look at how they are behaving, you may well think I dont want to love them. The first Zoom gatherings and personal mentoring sessions will thenbegin in April. (Zechariah 3:6-7). There are three tiers: All tiers will be able to join a monthly live Zoom gathering, where I will share, lead activations and be open for Q&A. Also, by supporting us on Patreon, you can help us in our local work to help disadvantaged people. The verdict of the judge, in light of the victory of Jesus through the cross, is that all mankind is innocent, not guilty, justified and righteous. I am a happy heretic, enjoying skiing down the slope of orthodoxy to discover and explore a whole new vista beyond the limits of my understanding. It is not about what we did or didnt do, or what we did wrong. The truth that God is love and that His love is unconditional is so difficult for people to grasp because of the way we have been programmed. Thank you! One session only: Mike Parsons takes us through his foundational 7-step daily meditative practice. Registered office: Freedom Centre, 1 Howard Avenue, Barnstaple EX32 8QA, UK. It divides up scripture into blocks and periods in which God works differently. And when I agree with how He sees me, it enables me to become like that. You need to have understanding of the nature and the character of God, of how God works, so that you dont go off the rails completely. Choose to watch or just listen: videos, audios, PDF slides and printer-friendly text PDFs are included and its absolutely FREE to stream or download. Humanism is independence from God. will learn how to access God through Jesus who is the Way, Truth and Life, in Mike Parsons, a pioneer for us in this present next age, gives us a brief account of his journey with the Father up to the present. Having brought us to this amazing place, we have so much to share and we have so much to interact with with each other, coming into oneness and in union ofheart and mind and purpose with the Father. Governor Parson is a veteran who served six years in the U.S. Army. Praise and adoration, soaking in the presence of God. That is no longer the case. Spirit) and the realms of heaven in visions. Sons Of Issachar is edited and maintained by Jeremy Westcott on behalf of Releasing the Fire of God for Transformation That was just putting myself under pressure, which removes the joy. In addition to the teaching sessions, there will also be time set aside for us to encounter the Father for ourselves. I discovered the answer to this is yes and no. These activations are audio only, and are best used in conjunction with the relevant blog posts. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you. (John 14:26). (Romans 12:2). Hebrew logic doesnt see things the same way. (Grace replaces the law; innocence supersedes sin-consciousness.) Religion, even though it will probably have you read that Bible verse, will tell you the opposite, that there is something that can separate you from the love of God: your choice. In that atmosphere at present are the principalities, powers and rulers of wickedness. Soundtrack: Dave Fitzgerald (feat Jenn Johnson) We Are An Ark live at Bethel Church via YouTube. I longed to go beyond the small Cornish town that framed my life but films and dreams were my only avenue. Conferences and Intensives 2018. That destiny was buried deep within my soul, hidden, but creating that splinter within my mind which sought to break free of the limitations of my mundane existence. The me I am at the moment, I know, is not the me that I will eventually be. But from Gods perspective I already am, because that is how He sees me. He does not see me the way I see myself or the way others see me. Click here to order the livestream/recordings. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Fathers hand. It is not going to be another group of people, it is going to be Gods people, His saints, the church, who will possess that kingdom and be involved in continuing to expand it. Freedom Apostolic Ministries Ltd. is a not-for-profit company registered in England. Gil and Adena Hodges lead Kingdom Equipping Center. And I believe we are called, we are the sons of God: we can be like the sons of Issachar who understand the times and seasons that were living in and were fully able then to participate as co-heirs and co-creators in theKingdom of God, Join us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/freedomarc. Often we do not have because we do not ask (James 4:2). (John 15:5). A top-tier supporter, if they wish, can also create a private group. Everything in religion is about doing: you have to do to earn rest. He continually enables us to walk in our destiny: and it is more about who we are than what we do. Living in dual realms think and be Click here to order the livestream/recordings. So we live in every day being a new day (so for me, we live in the eighth day, not the seventh). Missouri's Governor, U.S. Army Veteran, 3rd generation farmer, and former sheriff, state legislator, and . This event is over, but the recordings are available. It is the teaching that prevailed in the town I grew up in, as I have written about previously. Ardmore Baptist Church, 501 Miller St., Winston-Salem, will celebrate the first Sunday of Lent services at 8:15 and 10:45 a.m. Pastor Tyler Tankersley will begin the Lent season with a sermon . Repentance from dead works, faith towards God, instructions about washings (baptisms), laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead and eternal judgment. This reflects the size of the book (800+ pages). The more we do so, the more we will bring the kingdom of God on the earth, both in us and through us, so that we shine with the glory of God. This will be a systematic journey starting from the beginning and following both pathways to engage our individual scrolls and destinies. It was not a place of fear, just of not being able to see anything and resting in complete stillness before Him. event of 2018. No, because I am loved unconditionally. Make sure we give God first place, first love, first priority. For the Law was given through Moses; grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ. As I ponder where my journey began, I remember as a child dreaming of adventures, quests and exploits of derring-do, and being drawn to films and TV programmes like Robinson Crusoe, Thunderbirds, Stingray, Lawrence of Arabia, Forbidden Planet and Lost in Space. He has it all in hand. Governor Parson and First Lady Teresa live in Bolivar. (These only served to sustain a sin-consciousness and was of no redemptive benefit to anyone.) Those subjects are part of most churches foundation courses (they were certainly the basis of ours). And then everything flows from being. Isaiah prophesied no end to the increase of Gods government and peace, so why are believers still looking for an end? for more information and a free 2-week trial for the Engaging God programme. Services provided: print and digital advertising, logo and brand development, social . It now comprises 12 modules to help you enjoy intimacy of relationship with God and explore how to outwork your responsibility. Mike Parsonswill be teachingnew materialand addressing the subject in ways we have never heard before. For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us;And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. It is the same with your spirit. The journey itself is important, not a series of destinations, because it is a journey of relationship and that journey will inevitably bring me to a completely fully restored perspective. And His mercy is triumphant, which means no matter what obstacle or hindrance might get in the way of us experiencing unconditional love, His mercy has already triumphed over it! Parson was Backed by Speaker of the House Steven Tilley and Senate President Pro Tem Ron Richard. Freedom Apostolic Resource Centre, Barnstaple, UK. Every day we live in rest and that is perpetual replenishment or restoration. What it is in the beginning, it is in the end, and that is why it is so important to get understanding of it. My experiences and encounters with their true reality exploded my limited and restricted understanding that had been framed by my minds religious constructs. You have heard it, maybe been influenced by it. *Note Sadly, because of abuse by scammers we are unable to offer a click to donate option. That may not be easy to accept, because of the way we have been conditioned to think about love and about God. The Father said one day, Ive laid a true foundation that can carry the weight of all mankind so all can become fully mature sons of God. That intrigued me. *Note Sadly, because of abuse by scammers we can no longer offer a click to donate option. So many things are happening, so many things are happening in the heavens; its such an exciting time for those who are called for a time such as this. Terms and conditions apply. It is not as if we have crossed over into this millennium and now everything is at rest. Take Biblical symbolism and covenant language. Pray and sing in tongues. So whilst my spirit is flowing from the Holy Spirit, and the purposes of God for my life and my destiny, my flesh has tried to get in the way and has to be brought into line. If you search for it on booksellers websites, it tells them. For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authoritiesall things have been created through Him and for Him. Resources Release a wave of love frequency This web page is dedicated to the weekly 'Release love' initiative. Click the image or link above for the whole series, or scroll down to watch the video of the talk this post comes from. Get 2 weeks free then pay just 12GBP per month(around $14 USD but dollar amount varies slightly each month as the exchange rate changes). Of not being able to see anything and resting in complete stillness before Him do enough. Not deny Himself because he is love legislator, and former sheriff, legislator... Have thought of it in quite that way though living in rest and that is how he sees me a... Print and digital advertising, logo and brand development, social conditioned to think about love about! God would torture his children eternally as I have written about previously build our.! Help us in our local work to help disadvantaged people time set aside us! On this blog seekingfellow-travellersfor this journey Johnson ) we are than what did... Posted here on this blog seekingfellow-travellersfor this mike parsons ministry: we must make sure that he is! 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